# AppLauncher I want to share this plugin, I use [Terminator](http://www.tenshu.net/p/terminator.html), and every time I wanted to set up my development environment, I had to launch Terminator and execute the commands needed. In order to avoid this repetitive sequence, I decided to write a plugin that, with just one click, launches Terminator, creates divisions in it, and executes the commands needed for every project. ## Installation 1. Put files in `~/.config/terminator/plugins/`: mkdir -p ~/.config/terminator/plugins cp applauncher.py ~/.config/terminator/plugins/ cp projects.py ~/.config/terminator/plugins/ 2. Restart [Terminator](http://www.tenshu.net/p/terminator.html), go to `Context menu > Preferences > Plugins` and select `AppLauncher`. ## Setup 1. Edit `~/.config/terminator/plugins/projects.py`, example: :::python PROJECTS = {"Project 1": {"split": "vert", "terminal1": {"split": "horiz", "terminal1": {"commands": ["dir"], }, "terminal2": {"commands": ["ls"], } }, "terminal2": {"commands": ["dir"], }, }, "Project 2": {"enabled": False, "split": "vert", "terminal1": {"split": "horiz", "terminal1": {"commands": ["command 1", "command 2", "command 3"], }, "terminal2": {"commands": ["command"], } }, "terminal2": {"split": "horiz", "terminal1": {"commands": ["command"], }, "terminal2": {"commands": ["command"], } }, }, "Project 3": {"commands": ["history", ] } } EDITOR = "gedit" 2. Restart Terminator. ## Use * Go to `Context menu > AppLauncher`, and select your project. ## Autor * Guido Castillo Gómez <[gcasgo@gmail.com](https://plus.google.com/116701415230747107577)>